We need your support NOW
Let us make sure that the Flathead remains as it is today.
The Fernie Rod and Gun Club along with the East Kootenay Wildlife Associations and all affiliated clubs will be informing the general public during the next year on all the FLATHEAD FACTS. It is US against the WORLD, and we do not have the big money backers from around the world to help us out.
What we have though is the LOCAL knowledge, DEDICATION and HEART to do what is right for the Flathead Valley...putting wildlife and their habitat first.
Keep the Flathead PARK FREE
Make your donation now, with a $5 minimum donation you will be mailed our one of a kind sticker to show your support.
If you prefer to send cheque by mail you can do so via the Fernie Rod and Gun Club. Please put in the memo section 'Flathead Facts' and mail to:
Fernie Rod and Gun Club
Box 1448, Fernie BC, V0B 1M0
All donations will be used towards signs, information pamphlet's, stickers, newspaper ads, etc and are greatly accepted.